Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Colon Cancer Info.

In the near future, I will begin studying for my major in biochemistry. With this major I plan to become a medical researcher and help find the cure for colon cancer, so I decided that it would be fun to inform others on the facts of colon cancer. First, cancer occurs when cells become abnormal and divide without control. Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related deaths, 141,210 new cases and 49,380 deaths were expected in 2011. These cases have been increasing greatly over the years. In addition, this disease is the most common diagnosed cancer in the US and the 3rd most common cancer in both men and women. It is very important to get screened by your 50th birthday! When getting screened doctors will usually perform a colonoscopy, where the doctor will put a tube through your rectum to get a view of your entire colon. A lot of research is happening right now to try and rid this world of this disease, but they need your help! You can donate to many websites, like the American Cancer Society. These are just some of the many facts of colon cancer. Below is a picture of happenings of colon cancer screening throughout the US.

Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures 2011-2013


  1. This was an interesting read Courtney! I didn't know these facts and I can't believe colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related deaths! :( Cancer is not cool I think we should all team up and find a cure! :)

  2. YOU CAN DO IT! That is find a cure of colon cancer. I'll help you cause I want to go into medical research. :)
    Your free write was all informational. Thought me some interesting facts. I did mine on chicken nugget girl...not very informational. hahah

    P.S. I HATE CANCER. It sucks.

  3. Cancer not cool.
    But i am glad that you are doing something to change it.
    it was interesting and thous fact are really sad...
    I cant wait to see what the future will bring.

  4. Very informative and what a great goal for life. I didn't realize that colon cancer is so common.
